Hair Loss Treatment

Restore your full, luscious hair with our hair loss treatments.

Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of men and women of all ages. Various factors, such as genetics, hormones, stress, medications, or medical conditions, can cause it.

At NSS Dermatology, we know how important your hair is to you. That’s why we offer effective and personalized treatments to help you prevent, slow down, or reverse hair loss. Whether you need topical or oral medications, light therapy, or hair transplant surgery, we can tailor the best treatment plan based on your type and extent of hair loss. We also provide education and advice on how to care for your hair and scalp.

Restore your full, luscious hair with our hair loss treatments.

Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of men and women of all ages. Various factors, such as genetics, hormones, stress, medications, or medical conditions, can cause it.

At NSS Dermatology, we know how important your hair is to you. That’s why we offer effective and personalized treatments to help you prevent, slow down, or reverse hair loss. Whether you need topical or oral medications, light therapy, or hair transplant surgery, we can tailor the best treatment plan based on your type and extent of hair loss. We also provide education and advice on how to care for your hair and scalp.

What Is Hair Loss and What Causes It?

Hair loss occurs when you lose more hair than you grow. You shed about 50 to 100 hairs daily during the natural hair cycle. When this cycle is disrupted or damaged, you may lose more hair than usual. Different types of hair loss include:

  • Male or female pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia)

  • Alopecia areata (an autoimmune disorder causing baldness)

  • Hair loss due to stress (telogen effluvium)

  • Hairstyles that pull the hair too tightly (traction alopecia)

  • Hair loss due to inflammation, injury, or disease (cicatricial alopecia)

Am I a Good Candidate for Hair Loss Treatment?

If you are experiencing hair loss or thinning hair and wish to restore your hair’s fullness and vitality, you may be a good candidate for our hair loss treatment. Hair loss treatment is suitable for men and women of all ages and hair types as long as you have no contraindications to the medications or therapies we offer.

Our dermatologists will assess your hair loss condition during a consultation and recommend the most suitable treatment options.

What to Expect During Your Hair Loss Treatment at NSS Dermatology

During your consultation and treatment sessions at NSS Dermatology, our dermatologists will guide you through the process. Here’s what you can expect:

Our dermatologist will examine your scalp and hair and ask about your symptoms and medical history. Sometimes, we may perform a blood test, a pull test, a scalp biopsy, or light microscopy to identify the specific type of hair loss or rule out other conditions. We will also evaluate your medical history and identify the underlying causes of your hair loss.

Based on your evaluation, our dermatologists will create a personalized treatment plan that may include:

  • Medications

  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy

  • Light therapy

  • Hair Transplant Therapy

  • Low-level laser therapy

The type and duration of treatment will depend on the cause and extent of your hair loss and your response to therapy.

Our dermatologists will monitor your progress throughout the treatment to ensure the effectiveness of the chosen approach. Treatment plans can be adjusted if necessary to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Hair Loss Treatment in Midtown Manhattan, NY

Don’t let hair loss hold you back. Contact NSS Dermatology in Midtown Manhattan, NY, to schedule your consultation for hair loss treatment. Our expert dermatologists will create a personalized plan to address your specific needs and restore the fullness and vitality of your hair.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hair Loss Treatment

Results vary depending on the treatment method used and the individual’s response. It can take several months to notice visible improvements. Consistency and patience are key during the treatment process.

Hair loss treatments can stimulate hair regrowth, but their effectiveness in completely regrowing hair in bald areas depends on various factors, including the extent of hair loss and the treatment method used.

A hair transplant is one option for hair loss, but several non-surgical treatments are also available. These include medications, laser therapy, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, which can be effective in certain cases.

Some side effects of hair loss treatments include scalp irritation or temporary shedding. These effects are generally mild and subside over time.

NSS Dermatology offers hair loss treatment for patients in Midtown Manhattan, NY, and the surrounding areas. Our personalized and comprehensive approach helps you prevent, slow down, or reverse hair loss. Contact us today to book an appointment and regrow your hair.

NSS Dermatology offers hair loss treatment for patients in Midtown Manhattan, NY, and the surrounding areas. Our personalized and comprehensive approach helps you prevent, slow down, or reverse hair loss. Contact us today to book an appointment and regrow your hair.